Monday, January 19, 2015

What to do?

Gurdip Singh Bhamra

It was much before the evolution of organic life on this planet or elsewhere, astronomical bodies in the space began to pursue their well defined course, well defined as they went on their way following certain discipline was eventful and not without a cause, one event becoming a cause for other and this was happening in the space since ages.

The whole act is spread across a stage shared by countless similar or different astronomical bodies and has been taking place a vast scale beyond the comprehension and imagination of human mind and the impact of the whole is so astronomical that words fail to comply to depict every thing and no act of ours no gesture of ours, no adoration and no chanting can have any effect on this act. No human effort however vast and large it is can bring about a change even to the minutest scale to this natural phenomenon. So why to bother with the omission of any of such humanly or godly act of yours and feel guilty?

Imagine you are on a life long journey on this planet known as earth and enjoy as much as you can as best as you can the space travel at a mind boggling speed, the earth at 1800 Km per hour in its orbit, the solar system at 300 km per second in the galaxy and the galaxy at 250 km per second, (total speed is mind boggling, that is 490,000 miles per hour) without a crash.

Therefore, make yourself comfortable and do as much as you can to keep the world going, the food chain growing, the efforts bringing enough to feed you and support your family, earning enough to fulfill your desires and dreams that sustain your efforts and energy.

Good and bad is defined in your social set up and the well defined parameters vary invariably. Cling to the good and remain on the side of good if its in accordance with the laws of nature. What sustains life on this planet is not the political decision of any government but the laws of nature; get to know them and observe them. All your decisions should have their backing. The moral question is not how you enjoy or shun sex in your life but how you observe the natural laws and how you submit to the supremacy of natural laws. No ethical edict is bigger than this.

Being a human and good human too, with a mind which can conceive and perceive every thing, every little change that is happening around you, it is your utmost duty to care for the natural laws of nature and allow them to happen in your environment. Any act of yours which not in congruence to these laws may put your existence out of gear and all your weaponry and arsenal may work well to bring about destruction. Therefore your unquestioned submission to the laws of nature, which are interestingly discover-able, will serve your final panacea of all your ills you are suffering.

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