Saturday, February 9, 2013

Value based Education

Value based Education

Every society or community has its own set of values embedded in the life style or art of living. Several groups together share some common values and allow the crashing of those or cancellation of those which are found in conflict with those of fellow groups.
It is not necessary all agreed to all the values practiced by all members within a group and all groups within a community and all communities within a social demography. Nevertheless, the social groups still are able to find some values at the minimum that can be shared by all.
The importance of these values cannot be undermined as these work as social ethos and act as binding agents that hold the communities together within a given demographic entity. Religion happened to be the factor which brought many communities at loggerhead, but as the society advanced, it was put on the back front. The same treatment has been given to caste factors. We cannot uphold the religion and caste as social values any more. Religion has become a personal state of affairs and caste a banished factors. We find a large number of people now taking side with the view of building a casteless society. Secularism has replaced the religion and theism with the scientific temper. Both have become so important in our daily life that without these, things have become impractical.
Science has become an integral part of our daily life. This is due to our reliance on own intelligence that has enabled us to work in the field science and technology to create gadgets and technology to make our life comfortable and compatible. We need fast trains, effective of medium of communication a vast set of knowledge to make our decision in our everyday work. Evan a farmer working in the fields in a remote village needs to equip himself with all the necessary knowledge and information. Therefore, science has come to stay with us as an vital component of our daily life. It has become a survival skill as it has helped man to fight several natural calamities and disastrous diseases.
We need to develop a certain kind of positive attitude towards science that it can be epitomized into an important value of life. We can afford it. Secularism on the other hand is important as people from different communities have to seek employment in scenario which remains unaffected by all practical religions. Working in a region as such requires an outlook where religion holds little or no value. Workers have to shelve aside their religious feelings and need to work together as a single whole. So the professing secularism and playing down religion seems to be the only way to live and work together
But secularism holds no value in itself. It is all the more important to think of religion in broader terms and go to the extent of sharing your religion with others and vice versa, but at the same time it is of vital importance to learn to live together by developing an endurance and tolerance of each other and one another.
Tolerance is a matter of attitude. It is a social skill and it is learnt by living together for a number of years. It is based on sacrificing one’s own interest for the sake of others. It is a key skill which has helped man to survive all the adverse situations. It can be taught at the school and should be taken into account for the modern curriculum.
Integrity of character is another key skill has come to stay us with us and it is much in demand so it needs to be developed systematically to get the best out of the modern human resource. People with varying degree of self-importance are not liked by the entrepreneurs.  Instead, those with the integrity of character, honest and straightforward and matter of the fact communication skills are liked and appreciated by the present and perspective employers.
When we talk of integrity of character we tend to include honesty, sincerity and dedication for the task and job where a man is positioned and working wholeheartedly in the wider interest of the organization. They should believe in making the work place so job-oriented that everything becomes so systematic, effectively efficient and professional. Such a thing is the most desirable as it is the only result-producing device in the modern world of heavy competition.
Good Health both physical and mental, is another thing which is much in demand these days. It involves regularity, punctuality as habits besides an addiction for the healthy habits both physical and mental. A person who is falling sick off and on is wholly unwelcome in any organization. Healthy habits come as a product of healthy attitude. Eating and living and thriving healthily is considered a key skill these days in several organization.
Environment is another thing which has come to stay at the top of all the key skills in the modern times. There is enough evidence available world-wide about the deformation and harms man made pollution has committed by changing the chemical composition of the atmosphere. It has by and large affected the human life culminating new disease and ailments for which a huge sum of money is spent every year to discover the ailments and its diagnosis.
One needs to develop an attitude which is positive environment friendly. We should abstain from doing everything that affects and causes harm to the environment. This requires an enlightenment and knowledge of the components of the environment and the process in which all these components work in combination with each other. The pollution has come to stay at the top of modern vocabulary and one needs to develop an insight understanding of various aspects of pollution and devise an art of living which minimize or promise to minimize the pollution in the atmosphere.

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