Thursday, January 13, 2011

Unspoken world


Gurdip Singh


What? A dead man lives two lives?

The one he lives with the friends and foes

Eking his living by hook or hoes

Perspiring, inspiring respiring despairing

Collecting and saving investing and sharing

Gaining and losing, leaving and choosing

Boozing, drooling, drilling and oozing

Known by his deeds, he lives a life

Under a shelter, children and wife

The one he lives on his own,

Where he lives a life unknown

The fog, the mist, the smoky and hazy

Keeps him on toes sending him crazy

The dreams unfulfilled, the grain un-milled

The words unspoken the deeds undone

He lives in the world all except none

He lives the life in his mind

To keep to himself woken and blind

Leaving in the world tiny marks

Here and there cinders and sparks

The moment he dies, the world little cries

The departed soul is mourned no more

‘Tis the time to unearth and bore’

His friends and foes are busy in digging

Shoveling and drilling, drilling and rigging

Not for his coffin to bury his remains

But to unearth where lies the treasures

Life he lived in the shady pleasures

Ah, here lies the man who lied to the world

The story he wove in unspoken word.

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