Friday, December 10, 2010

Gurdip Singh

Missing is the girl

Missing is the girl
whose name sounds same as love
and brings back memories
of minutes and hours
I spent in endless wait
She will come definitely today
She has not forgot, winds would say.
Missing is the girl
whose face and eyes
lips and smiles
filled the night sky
with countless stars
that guided the destiny
and helped me
turmoil and troubles
whose whip of breath
enabled me to bear
long summer of youth
and autumn of age
I look forward…
.. once and always.

Missing is she, whose love
kept me apiece
and from break asunder
Rains come and go
having cast my sky
with dark clouds
she remained aloft
high in my sky
a beautiful rainbow
to come alive
and keep the heart warm
Missing is the girl
If ye found her
sitting anywhere
under the trees,
edged from the hustle and rustle of life
tell her
I still love her.

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