Saturday, December 25, 2010

Make Your own Christmas Tree

Make Your own Christmas Tree


Gurdip Singh / 9878961218

Must you see

On your Christmas Tree

what fruit did it bear

what flowers that appear

with the seeds of hope

the sweet little bells

that bell in your dreams

when you were asleep

the lights that it bore

had spared some glow on your

on your face

to face the darkest hours

under the pall of gloom

its unshakeable roots

would yield some strength for your feet

in the hours of test

if you fine a bit of that

relish it with the cheeky looks

to say Merry Christmas

if not

change the tree

build your own

customised seed

and seed the tree

to stand for you

once and always

with all its smileys and

Sweet cool shade.

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