Monday, January 12, 2015

Religion of Today

Religion of Today

There happens to be a situation of mind when things come within its comprehension, when the truth dawns when the clarity of every thing comes about and when we say, now I have understood every thing about every thing and when no doubt about any thing stands any more. That particular state of mind compels one to accept the truth, nothing but the truth, the tested one, that particular state of mind remains in the mind as a golden achievement, an accomplishment that has far reaching impact as it is going to affect every thing from understanding to judgment, comes to be known as True Name. Naam, as it is often called, is that particular state of mind when the state of universe being governed by the natural laws and that legal system, the most scientific one, where every effect has a cause, and where every law is modifiable on its own through the constant and consistent binding force between the cause and effect.

Science itself explores the universe in order to establish the testimony of natural laws and the more we discover the more intense becomes the curiosity and we are in a constant strife to discover more through our sophisticated tools and technology. That system of Natural laws is Supreme power that keeps things together, and that which can be sought through logic and inquiry holds more importance than any thing else in the world as it is capable of explaining with logical coherence every thing happening on this earth and out there in the universe. Call it by any name, use any number of adjectives to explain its vast infinite scale, which again is mind boggling, is the final truth man has come across so far.

Just go to some astronomical museum and have a look at the galaxy of which is your Solar system a tiny part and the scale at which it operates causing every thing to happen on this earth and out there in the space, it will bring you a sense of bewilderment. Amazed as you are, you will be free from your ego and your sense of superiority as the tiny fleck of time you hold things together has no entity in the relation with the laws of Nature. You tend to submit with open mind to this truth the science has brought to you.

I am told by the scientists working on the model of the universe with the mind boggling mathematical calculation it is volatile nature of matter which is causing birth and death of the universe. I wonder and I submit and promise with myself to follow the laws of nature whichever and whatever, I find around me with my least involvement to mend them. I accept the superiority of these laws. To come to this understanding one needs to develop a scientific temper and an inquiring mind which enables you to study science not for the same of itself but to understand the greatest reality.

Obey the laws of nature. Don’t issue commands to Nature. Don’t ever try to change the course of laws of nature, because once their orientation is changed they are likely to cause havoc with your life. Don’t allow the electricity runs through you seat not simply because you can make such a thing happen, it is dangerous as far as the nature of electricity is concerned. The behavior of natural laws is ruthless and devoid all kinds of consideration and benevolence, yet there exists no antagonism.

To survive against all odds you need to develop a certain kind of life skill which brings no antagonism and which enables you to thrive and multiply as you wish. The surviving skill which you have developed as an organism within the nature again is governed by the laws of nature. Darwin has explained it. Natural Science has every thing to you to study and come to understanding of every thing.

Science is the religion of man in the modern world and the scientific temper the greatest religious practice. The whole universe spread before you is the temple of this new God, you being part of it, not as a master or priest but as a perfect component, one of millions.   

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