Sunday, August 5, 2012

I believe in…

 I believe in…

1.     I believe in the supremacy of Natural laws taking place all over the universe. I like to call them universal laws.

2.     I believe and find that Natural forces in accordance with Natural laws. They happen to be at such a vast scale which is unimaginable for human nature.

3.     I believe and accept this phenomena and like to live according to some which I am able to understand, thanks to scientific inquiry and findings.

4.     I believe, strongly too, in the cause and effect of all phenomenon in the world. Every effect is caused by something and that cause could the effect of another cause. Hence a chain of cause and effect persists consistently. This is a natural law and it cannot be changed nor replaced even in the most extra-ordinary circumstances.

5.      I believe strongly in science and scientific thinking as it is the only way to solve and resolve the present day miseries and mysteries. It has achieved marvellous result with the help of technology and even performed great feats of human activities which were not even thought of some three to four decades ago.

6.     I don’t need poetical representation of Nature and natural forces and any drama concerned with them. They are beautiful imaginative creation but not the truth.
7.     I believe the knowledge is every growing and expanding phenomena and there is nothing as ultimate knowledge in the world.

8.     I believe that death is a termination of life and nothing exists beyond that the body that takes part in the activities under the control of a living consciousness reaches its end when its biological function could not sustain it any more.

9.     Human consciousness is a natural function that has taken so long to evolve through a cumbersome process of evolution and occurs naturally as it is also a product of natural laws which govern at very infinitesimal level. It keeps on working within the body at cellular and tissue level and becomes the software of human brain. It dies with the death of brain. Human consciousness has no existence or relevance outside the brain. Brain and medulla is the seat of human consciousness.
10. Instincts are functions the nature has written as code in the genes of every living thing. The existence of genes confirms it.

11. I believe in life as well as death. Life is important since it is the only living thing for us to seek, to explore and to prove our sources and resources. Time is another component which varies and changes it course and recourse, once past, it cannot be reclaimed, recalled and cannot be altered. 

Death is imminent and a permanent termination of life. There is nothing beyond that. There is no life after death and all stories related to reincarnation are poorly fabricated fairy tales. I don’t bother them and neither should you as believing in them is the wastage of time. Live a life full of everything.

12. I believe in a judiciously balanced life and do want myself ever be found oscillating between two extremes. The middle course between pains and pleasures is always best. Don’t overjoy your success and don’t underestimate your failures

13. Success and failure are to aspects of outcome of any activity. It may succeed if it does not fail and it is bound to fail if it does not succeed. 

14. All concepts relating to God, Almighty, super-consciousness or supreme spirit are just figments of human imagination. They have taken a few centuries to evolve. They are invention of mind and not discoveries. Some of them were timely and product of time and social consciousness. They cannot be proved, tested or predicted. Hence, my being non-believing is natural.

15. I believe in the fact that the seeds of divinity can be found in the man’s first natural interaction with the Natural forces. It was he who assigned them names and later consigned them to a peremptory order.

16. I believe that all religions were a common code of living, a life skill which was handed down to generation to generation in the past during the tribal expanding.

17. Anything and everything that cannot be test tried and proved as objective reality is believable for me. I don’t believe in cock and bull stories. They make interesting reading for entertainment only where I regale myself.

18. I believe in the human existence and have strong faith in the evolutionary process of time, energy, society, economy, mind and knowledge. I respect humanity and I wish to see them thriving unexploited, free from ignorance, free from superstition.   
19. I don’t believe in ignorance and have high regards for human knowledge and have a strong faith in its positive effects on the quality of life. As knowledge has no end

20. I believe in the exploring world around me with the spirit of inquiry and investigation and believe strongly in the dissemination of knowledge and information. Half of problems are overcome by pushing ignorance a little too far towards the edge. Man should endeavour to eliminate the ignorance from the world.
21. I strongly believe in giving breathing space to everybody around me and seek the same for myself also. Freedom and liberty of thought and expression and independence in making choices between various courses of life. This would give rise to variety and variation, which indeed is the essence of evolution.
22. I believe in the process of evolution and development. I believe in the dynamism and would like to move with the changing world around me.

23. I believe in universal allegiance to the concept of language as a means of communication only. I don’t stand for any fanaticism of language and culture. My approach towards them is very liberal and flexible.

24. I believe in civilities and civilization. I appreciate a human behaviour which is an outcome of controlling one’s wild gestures and emotions. Even in the most crisis ridden situation, I believe in keeping my cool and preserve my identity.

25. I believe in social and economic justice for all and I abhor economic and social exploitation of man.

26. I believe in woman as wonderful partner with all her beauty of mind and purity of heart, as functional force with all her dynamism in social and emotional spheres of life. They are the wonderful creation of mind and when she becomes a mother, she touches the height of endurance of pain and is always over brimmed with joys and happiness. A mother in a woman is a marvellous creature of nature. I believe in ensuring equality and justice for them besides a deep respect they deserve as mothers, sisters, daughters, wives and friends.

27. I believe in the equality and fraternity among humankind regardless to their caste and creed. The caste system in our country is ridden with flaws and it has become out-dated. It started as a convenient mode of division of labour which was the need of the hour in the past, but later the economic unevenness took it over and rich projected themselves as superior in social status and to poor and used it to exploit them socially, economically and even morally. To deliver social justice to all, the downtrodden and poor, we need to dispense with the caste system and for this economic exploitation must have to be done away. The economic equality is likely to ease on the discrimination based on caste factor. The salvation of all ills of caste system lies in economic equality and elimination of economic exploitation at all levels.

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