Monday, December 6, 2010

Wikileaks and after

Wikileaks and after


Gurdip Singh

Apropos, the recent and latest dispatches of Wikileaks, wherein the hypocrisy of US's official diplomacy stands exposed and earning more scorn and spite worldwide, the basic concern is not the policies s of America but the way they are executed, the way their diplomats so officials as they have been assigned an unclaimed status of VVIP, think of the world, the other persons. It is despicable, demoniac, loathsome, hateful, detestable, reprehensible, abhorrent, abominable, awful, heinous; odious, vile, low, mean, abject, shameful, ignominious, shabby, ignoble, disreputable, discreditable, unworthy; informal dirty and rotten.

It requires civility and decency of certain degree with demureness, diffidence to assumed the status of presumptive supremacy in the world. One should be discreet, humble, meek and reticent. But US has given a great shock to the whole world. There is not for any civility, liberty, fraternity and least to say equality. They seem to have been treating the whole world as their puppet of clay dolls. Unfortunately there is no face saving for them.

With neck deep in the post recession economic failures, when they have been expecting the rest of the world to help them out to refuel their economy, the Wikileaks has brought them to reality by given them a jolt. US should unconditionally tender an apology. The diplomats should be withdrawn and be replaced with new ones empowered with a fresh vision. Back at home, they should straighten the facts and figures and stop becoming a nuisance in the world. They, themselves should be amicable and affable before expecting the whole world turn to be soft on them.

If US is to be tried for all the indecency and hatred it has spread in the world through its willy-nilly policies and character, what is their stand? The world needs to understand that all that glitters is not gold.



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