Wednesday, September 12, 2012




The other day when my wife rang up one of the advertisers in connection with the matrimony of my daughter, the lady on the other side asked for the time and date of birth of our daughter, wanting to ascertain the exact time of the birth she handed over the handset to me to communicate it exactly to the other side.
Curiously enough I asked the lady, ‘Do you believe it will do any good in settling the matrimony of her son?’
‘Sure, it always works well.’ she replied.
‘Sorry in my case it does not, I don’t know how exactly it failed to it wonder here.’ I retorted. ‘Therefore, I don’t believe all this and always put it aside.’
‘But…. they say, it is always good to match the birthcharts before marriage.’ Now the lady on the other side was not so confident about the trickster’s treat. She tried to outdo me. ‘But Sir, what is the time of birth of your daughter?
Emboldened by her loss of confidence in her art of conversation, I tried to dodge her off in furthering her interest.  ‘Well, let me ask you one thing?’
‘Yes, please… without hesitation.’
‘What is your son doing?’
‘He is an engineer by profession and waiting for her Visa for USA. He is likely to get it the next month.’
‘Are you sure you will get it?’
‘Yes Sir, I am sure, he told me that he would get it. He has applied for H1 Visa and he is very likely to get it?’
‘Has he got some call letter from the company over there?’
‘No this I don’t know but he has paid all the sums to the agent and he in turn told him that he would get it the next month.’
‘Is he going legally?’
‘I don’t know much about it, I’ll put you to my son and you may ask all such questions to him straightforward.’
‘Well in that case, my answer is no, as I am not interested in sending my daughter abroad and have to become part of the workforce of manual labour there.’
‘I don’t get it what you say. America is a beautiful country.’
‘Yes it is without doubt and to some reasonable extent but more than half of our emigrant population works as manual labour. They hardly get first, the job for their qualification and two remuneration they are entitled for…. So…’
‘So… What…?’ she interrupted me. ‘what do you mean by saying it?’
‘I mean, I am not interested in sending my daughter abroad to toil hard over there and nor my daughter is interested in going abroad. Sorry … we are not interested.’
I cut the call and put the handset on the table. My wife looked at awfully. ‘You are very sometimes rude, a bit more outspoken.’
‘Yes, I am and I should be, such are the people who know nothing about the knowable and try to look for the things which are not worth knowing.’
I wonder how astrology can determine the traits of a person. Stars are helpless too as they are so far away that they cannot affect life on earth even to a very negligible extent. Speed of the earth in the solar system and that of the solar system in the galaxy and that of galaxy in universe that is space is very awesome. in a less than 30 minutes time it covers a physical distance of over 10000 kilometers, the position it never visit second time. Such is the wonderful phenomenon of nature and after knowing all this it is utterly foolish to talk about astrology as a science.
Lord Rama and Sita, as per the ancient fable, got their birth charts matched and they were found to highly compatible but a quick glance on the post marriage life of Sita and Rama will convince you beyond doubt that astrology is nothing but a wild man’s guesswork and is reliable for a fool only.
I had to struggle for full six years to get my marriage dissolved legally as it failed to work nevertheless her parents had looked in the birth charts our compatibility. I had resolved to not to enter into matrimony alliance second time but somehow when I married second time, we did not care for the time and birth of each other. We never bothered any astrologer for his advice etc. Over two decades have passed and we still find ourselves highly compatible.

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