Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Nature and Natural Laws

What surrounds us physically by means of a blue sky, bright sun in the day and starts that adorn the jet blue sky at night signaling us through their twinkling, land forms on the surface where we live to dwell with the lofty mountains, vast blue ocean along with countless species which are as wonderful and beautiful as the living specimens of life, green vegetation colourful flowers and sweet scented fruits, every pertains to the perception which we know by the word Nature. It is not as simple as a word but quite mysterious and notorious by the way it unfolds itself unto us by means of colours and sound that it looked quite awesome to every person who takes time off his life to explore it.

The winds, the seasons, the woods and the varying moods that it presents every time we spare few moments that each one of us is filled with a childlike glee as it reveals itself to us. The literature is full of an unknown number of songs and lyrics man has addressed to the Nature and built hypothesis about the working of Nature.

Nature is limited to the earth only. The vast sky is still more full of mysteries which man has been discovering one by one revealing the secrets of nature. The planets, the stars, the galaxies and the vast universe has been making man more inquisitive and curious so with the advance in technology and science we have successfully explored the whole phenomena.

Nature is a phenomenon. It is just the stars and universe and planets and galaxies. The real nature of Nature lies in its unique way of happenings. How they take place and how they come into being and come to the final end. So the real secret of Nature lies in the laws of nature, the very laws or rules that govern and guide the whole Nature.

It is always awesome to think of Nature and the scale at which it makes the things occur. There is the unique law of gravitation, the law of magnetic field and that of electrons which allow the movement and momentum. The earth completes one rotation at its axis in almost 24 hours and one revolution around the sun in 365 days. It covers a vast distance every year and its speed around the sun in the sky is about 1500 km per hour. The other members of the solar system too move around the at various speeds and this has been happening since quite long. The solar system is part of the galaxy where it moves around the centre of the galaxy along with other solar systems.

Ours is not the only one in the galaxy. There are several million others too about which very little is known to us. We cannot access all of them nor we can measure their movements. The galaxy is made of several million brightly lit stars. Our Sun is also one of them. The whole galaxy is very vast that even light will take about 6000 years to reach from end to the other. Our solar system is not fixed in the galaxy. It is moving and the speed of our solar system in relation to the galaxy is about 250 km per second and our galaxy, better known as Milky Way is not stationery. Its velocity in respect of other galaxies is 300 km per second. The speed of our earth in the space is (30X 300 X250) =2250000  kilometer per second and in an hour or so it covers such a vast distance in the space that it never returns to its original place. It is mind boggling to think of Nature moving at such a great velocity.

What makes it happen and how does it manage to happen in a fool proof manner. Scientists are already at it. They have first invented the device to measure the speed and velocity so that some likeness could be established and subsequently they have discovered some of the secrets of nature, the laws of nature.

What is a law? It is almost same as a habit in human system. Anything that occurs again and again becomes a habit. The same is true of a law. Every action that occurs at certain regularity is thought of governed by some law and a scientist tries to establish a relation between the action and the frequency and with the help of his findings he tries to predict the same with certain level of accuracy which is necessary to form the basis of the law. The hypothesis is tested again and again and if the same result is obtained. This is how a law is established and in the case of Natural laws, laws are only discovered. They are known as the secret of nature.

Nature is the sum total of all the phenomena that occurs and keep on occurring at all levels of the world. In Physics we have physical laws, in Chemistry we have chemical laws, that is how various chemicals behave with each other. Astronomy is study of astronomical laws and predicts the movement of stars. Biology studies the behavior of biotic components of the universe and microbiology consists of laws and rules that govern the micro-organisms; how they develop and multiply and carry out harmful activities.  

Although a large number of natural laws have become an open secret for man and he has learnt a lot of information about everything on the earth and now he is keen to explore the hitherto unexplored nooks and corners, yet he is a few steps away from defining Natural laws.

When it comes to decide and define the natural laws, we safely shelve the matter in the domain of divinity and ascribe the activities to some divine or super natural element. But it is wholly incorrect and irrational. A true follower of science will follow the scientific spirit of inquiry to reach as close to the origin of Natural laws as possible. Stephan Hawking in his Brief History of Time establishes the Big Bank theory that indicates towards the origin of the universe and he has proved beyond doubt everything mathematically. Not satisfied with the outcome of Stephen Hawking, the scientists have gone a step further to prove the theory of Higgs-Boson Particle in the atomic structure of every element. They have conducted a great experiment, the greatest of the history of mankind and have established a few fundamentals on the basis of data that they received during the experiment.

In the nature everything happens because some other event causes it to happen. Some event becomes the cause of other event and thus a chain like reaction has established so far and it is going on at almost every level and scale. One event is established as an effect of other and this is evitable and becomes unavoidable. The formidable identity of Nature thus established comes to be known as awesome. Nothing in Nature occurs without a cause and this happens everywhere as per the Natural law. Big or small, the life on the earth and elsewhere is strictly abide by the laws of Nature.

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