Thursday, May 19, 2011

Speck of Light

A speck of light
I fly in the air
Lifting myself off
I tend to move
Farther away
From whence I came
The vast sky
Slowly turn into black from blue
I go on
A speck of light
The sun is behind
The planets look tiny stars
I keep on
Shooting past the vast lands and oceans in the space
I leave behind
My journey from the centre of universe
To the farthest corners of the vast space.
I am at loss, father
I cry O father
Where are you
I am at loss
Come help me.
The voice inside my tiniest being
Speaks and seems to say-
I’m here, always with you
‘But where are you? I cannot see you’
-Haven’t you noticed me
I am always there
Busily setting the clock of motion
To keep everything going
Stable in its being unstable
Feel me
I’m there
I was there when you parted
And lifted yourself off
As a tiny speck of light
The order around you
I am restoring
Order among disordered things.


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